Spilt Milk Nannies operates in four locations around the Northwest. Each branch is owned and operated by an experienced nanny, who coordinates, recruits, and carefully vets nannies for their team.


Connect with the owner in your city. She'll make sure she can meet your childcare needs.
Sign up for an account and a quarterly subscription.
Book sitters instantly online either by the time/date needed or by the nanny. Pay nannies directly after your appointment.
Reach out to the owner if you have questions or other needs. With her professional childcare experience, she is a great resource.
Each branch owner follows the same process when approving nannies and parents who want to be a part of our community. The owners interview and background check all nannies. Then, they check 2-3 child care references. Before parents join, the owner asks questions to ensure the business can meet the parent's childcare needs. Then all adults in the parent's home are background checked. Once the nanny or parent passes through all the vetting steps, they are invited by email to create an account with our service.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join Spilt Milk Nannies?
First find your branch then fill out the contact form. The owner will contact you to make sure SMN can meet your childcare needs. After we know SMN can meet your needs and all adults in your household have passed a background check, you’ll receive an email with a link that will give you access to our website. You will create a profile, agree to our terms of service, and start a quarterly subscription; then you can begin to access nanny profiles and schedule sitters.
How does SMN screen sitters?
Every SMN owner interviews each applicant, checks childcare references, verifies current CPR certification, and conducts a background check. For more specifics on each owners screening, feel free to ask them after you inquire and read their personalized confirmation and welcome information.
How do I schedule sitters?
Using our software, you can search by day/time or by nanny. Since booking depends on sitter availability, it is not guaranteed you'll get the same sitter each time. For this reason, SMN is not best for consistency or regular scheduling.
Is booking guaranteed?
No. The owners work very hard to build solid teams of sitters that can allow all shifts to be scheduled. However, on rare occasions, all sitters may be booked or unavailable. You should always contact the owner if you are having trouble scheduling, we are always here to help with those needs.
Can I use SMN if my child is sick and cannot go to daycare/school?
No. Our sitters require at least 24-hours notice so we cannot provide last minute care. Our nannies see so many families, they do not want to be exposed to the illnesses that would keep a child out of school or daycare ( fever, diarrhea, vomiting). Exposure to these illnesses may require nannies to cancel on other families, especially families with infants. If you have scheduled a sitter and your child is sick contact the sitter to let them know the situation. There is no penalty for canceling due to a sick child.
Does the service include housework?
No. Sitters are expected to keep the house in the condition they find upon arrival. All SMN sitters are expected to tidy up the household areas used while nannying. You can expect dishes to be clean after meals and play areas tidied but the sitters do not offer housekeeping services.
How do I pay the sitter?
Parents pay the sitter at the end of each appointment for the time scheduled. If the nanny agreed before the appointment to stay longer than the scheduled time, parents are responsible for the extra time. The hourly rate varies by city. If parents ask the sitter to drive using the sitter's car, they are responsible for reimbursing the nanny for mileage. The federal reimbursement rate in 2023 is $.655/mile.
How far in advance do I need to schedule?
We recommend scheduling 3 days in advance. Scheduling depends on our sitters and their availability. On busy nights (like Saturdays) you may need closer to a week. SMN does NOT provide same day or on-call babysitting.
How far in advance do I need to cancel sitters?
It is advised to cancel as soon as your schedule changes but no later than when you get the reminder email 48 hours prior to the booking. This allows for the sitter to get rescheduled by another family. The website allows cancellations up to 25 hours before the booking. If your child is sick there is no cancellation fee, and we encourage you to cancel so sitters don’t get sick or spread illnesses. If your plans change last minute and you cancel a sitter with less than 24 hours, you are still expected to pay for the sitter's time booked.
Are there booking time minimums when booking sitters?
We have a two hour appointment minimum. Sitters can increase their own booking minimums to 3 or 4 hours if they choose. You must pay the sitter for the time you schedule.
Can you edit bookings once they are made?
Yes. Login to the website. Your homepage has a list of confirmed appointments. There is a “Cancel” button and an “Edit” button for each appointment. Your ability to change the time depends on the sitter's availability on our website. If you cannot change the appointment time, reach out to the owner.
What are your expectations for us (the family)?
Families in SMN are expected to be respectful, trusting, and kind to the sitters. You need to communicate specific expectations you have for each sitter regarding your childcare needs for the time they are there.
What does it take to be a Spilt Milk Nannies Sitter?
SMN sitters need to have years of prior babysitting experience. Sitters must pass a thorough screening by the owner including an in-person interview, 2-3 professional reference checks and a background check. Sitters need to be reliable, flexible, creative and active.
How do I start working with Spilt Milk Nannies?
Sitters need to submit an application and the owners will then reach out regarding the next steps.
How many hours can I get booked?
This depends on the needs of the families and the amount of availability you have posted.
How do we input a schedule?
In SMN you enter the dates and times you are available using a calendar on the website. You can edit your schedule as often as you need. Once you are booked for a shift, that appointment is confirmed and your responsibility to fulfill.
Who pays me and how do I get paid?
The families in SMN employ you directly and will pay you at the end of every nannying shift. Most commonly this is done by cash, check, Venmo, Square or PayPal; the payment method is decided by you and each family.
What are your expectations of me (the nanny)?
Every sitter is expected to arrive for the appointment on time with a positive mindset. Sitters should engage with the children and attend to parent instructions and expectations for the day. Communication is key when meeting families for the first time. Sitters are expected to cook, clean up after meals and children, keep children safe, follow bedtime routines, and most importantly be very active and engaged with children. Driving should be approved by the family before the shift.
What can I expect from the families?
Families in SMN are expected to be respectful, trusting, and kind to the sitters. They are expected to communicate their specific needs for each sitter upon arrival at their home. If you have agreed to drive for the family, you should be paid the 2023 federal reimbursement rate of $.655 per mile.